Bill Gill
Bill Gill is an audit, assurance, risk and governance specialist. He has over 30 years’ experience working within the social housing sector, with
both social landlords and consultancies. He has undertaken various consultancy and interim assignments across the sector within the UK.
From an initial audit and risk background, he now specialises in providing governance and assurance solutions, particularly to small providers.
Bill has developed specialisms in a number of areas, including helping providers who are in engagement with the Regulator navigate the
various steps towards compliance with the regulatory standards. His audit background is much in demand to help providers with their control
and compliance processes, including regulatory self-assessments and inspection preparation. He is an experienced trainer, both for BDA and in his own right, and is regularly called upon to speak at Board Strategy Days on a variety of subjects.
Bill has been an active Board member for two registered providers, completing nine-year terms at both, where he spent much of that time also
chairing their Audit & Risk Committees. Bill has spoken at numerous audit and housing conferences over the years, having previously been a member of the NHF’s Audit Advisory Panel. Bill is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors.
of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors.