Would you like to better understand the role of a Company Secretary and how you can support the governance for your association?
Whilst some associations might be fortunate to have a qualified Chartered Governance professional dedicated to the role of Company Secretary, pressures on resourcing often make it necessary for smaller associations to combine the role with another Director. Often in these circumstances Directors receive little opportunity for specialised training in this area and instead have to learn on the job.
The Board Development Agency provide training and mentoring, specific for the housing sector, for any staff new to the role of Company Secretary or those that have been doing it for some time and would like to brush up on their knowledge. We can help you learn about the breadth of the role of a housing association company secretary and the key things you need to know!
Although there is no ‘one size to fit all’, it is vital for housing associations to be at the top of their governance and compliance ‘game’ and to ensure that you have the strongest governance and controls.
“(the)…company secretary, is … responsible for advising the board on all governance matters.”
Corporate Governance Code, 2018
The programme will cover:
- Guiding the Chair and Board on their responsibilities under the rules and regulations and on how their responsibilities should be discharged.
- The different types of constitutions for housing associations and charitable status
- Understanding your constitutional documents – rules, memorandum and articles, intragroup agreements and intragroup service agreements
- Supporting the Chair in ensuring the board functions efficiently and effectively.
- Board and Committee member succession planning, role descriptions and skills frameworks
- Board recruitment, induction, training and development, appraisal and remuneration
- Meeting management, calendar of meetings, year planners, agenda, reports minutes and decision monitoring
- Reviewing the effectiveness of Boards and Committees
- Ensuring good information flows within the board and its committees and between senior management and board members, as well as facilitating induction and assisting with professional development as required.
- Board reporting, content. Format and templates
- Guardian of the company’s proper compliance with both the law and best practice; monitoring changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment and taking action accordingly.
- Assessing compliance with the Regulatory Framework and National Housing Federation (NHF) or appropriate Code of Governance
- Monitoring adherence to all relevant law
- Maintaining the governance framework, standing orders and financial regulations, terms of reference, decision and delegation scheme, strategy, policy, and procedure framework and contract standing orders
- Communication with the Regulator, FCA, Companies House, Charities Commission and the CQC, including filing returns
- Content of the Annual Report and Financial Statements and future ESG reporting
- Maintaining good shareholder relations, keeping the board informed on shareholders’ views. Calling General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting
- Maintaining statutory registers
- Being custodian of the seal
- Maintaining the suite of probity policies – code of conduct, anti-fraud and anti-bribery, money laundering, whistleblowing, modern slavery.
- Other add-ons which might come with the role, including
- Stress testing
- Insurance
- Internal auditor appointment
- Business continuity management and planning
- Equality & Diversity
- Stakeholder engagement
- Value for Money
- Health & Safety compliance and assurance
- Internal audit programme and co-ordinating the internal audits
- Data protection and GDPR
- Risk register, risk appetite and risk management framework
- Asset & Liability Register
The Training
The training is equivalent to a full day’s training course split into four two–hour sessions, each of which will be recorded and hosted on the website so you can view it again.
The programme will run across four sessions, dates tbc. Or we can run tailored 1-2-1 sessions. We can also offer a package of ongoing support and mentoring to suit your needs.
This training costs £650 plus VAT, and includes two 30 minute follow up mentoring sessions to cover any issues you wish to cover. (This training can be purchased separately at a price of £550 plus VAT; 10% discount for Go! members).
Contact us now to book your place.
The program is also available tailored to your organisation.
We are also able to offer an extended, bespoke version of this training tailored to your organisation’s position and needs. Please contact us for more details and a specific quote.