Data Protection – Level 1

Data Protection for Debutants – Level 1

An overview of the legislation and the responsibilities of housing associations and their Members. Ideal for new Board members, and those that have had little exposure to GDPR / data protection requirements so far. You and your fellow Board members have ultimate accountability for GDPR compliance and for putting data protection at the heart of your organisation and your processes.
Discover what the GDPR is all about, what it means for you and your organisation. Discuss what gets reported and what you should be looking for.

Presented by Sam Linton.

Sam is a data protection professional and a GDPR Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in the field. She has successfully implemented compliance frameworks in several organisations in the social housing sector. In each case ensuring that the Board and Senior Team are seen to be leading by example – in both actions and approach.


The training will be 1.5 hours and be held online.

When: 1 March  2023 |2.00 – 3.30pm

Fees: £70 person plus VAT | 10% discount for Go! Members.

Contact us to book your place.

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