Chairs of Audit Committee Round Table (11)

Practical Company Secretary Training

Would you like to learn more about the responsibilities of a company secretary and how you can support the governance team in your organisation?

Although some social housing provider organisations are fortunate to have a qualified Chartered Governance Professional dedicate themselves to the role of Company Secretary, resource limitations frequently force smaller social housing providers to combine the role with another Director. The appointed directors frequently do not have many opportunities for specialised training in this area and must instead pick up skills on the job.

This company secretary training is meant to assist you in understanding the extent of the role of a housing association company secretary so that you can be sure you are fully informed and in compliance with your legal obligations. It outlines specifically what must be done to comply with the Companies Act, the company articles, and other regulations as it guides you through each step of the role step by step.

What will you learn?

  • Communication with the Regulator, FCA, Companies House, Charities Commission and the CQC, including filing returns;
  • Content of the Annual Report and Financial Statements and future ESG reporting;
  • Understanding the different types of constitutions for housing associations and charitable status;
  • Understanding your constitutional documents – rules, memorandum and articles, intragroup agreements and intragroup service agreements;
  • Board and Committee member succession planning, role descriptions and skills frameworks; 
  • Board recruitment, induction, training and development, appraisal and remuneration 
  • Assessing compliance with the Regulatory Framework and National Housing Federation (NHF) or appropriate Code of Governance 
  • Maintaining the governance framework, standing orders and financial regulations, terms of reference, decision and delegation scheme, strategy, policy, and procedure framework and contract standing orders 
  • Maintaining good shareholder relations, and keeping the board informed on shareholders’ views. Calling General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting.

Fees & Additional Information

This training consists of four two-hour sessions that together make up the equivalent of one full day of training. Each session will be recorded and available on our website, where you will have access to watch it again. The training costs £675 plus VAT, and it includes two 30-minute follow-up mentoring sessions to discuss any issues you may have.

We can provide this training customised to the needs and position of your organisation, Contact us to speak to our team to find out more or book your spot in the training. We usually run this training twice a year, in the summer and autumn. 


  • 24 February, 3, 10 and 17 March 2024 for 4 weeks. 2.00 – 4.00pm
  • 10, 17, 24 June and 1 July 2024. 10:00 – 12.00pm

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