Practical Governance Advice to Help Boards Address Cross-Cutting Issues and Make an Impact !

How can governance help the Boards address issues and make strategic decisions that benefit both the provider and tenants?

We recently discussed the inclusion of cross-cutting areas such as EDI and safeguarding were covered by Board’s with members of our National Association of Governance Officers (NAGO). We also discussed how organisations can show regulators that not only are these issues covered in the ToR and other areas, but also that the Board’s decisions have been reached after careful thought and deliberation. 

There are different approaches to this topic, as we discoverd when we asked our NAGO members to share the terms of reference for the boards and committees in their organisations. Some members also noted that the NHF code of governance and code of conduct, which the majority of English housing providers adhere to, also addresses these kinds of issues (similar information is also addressed in Scotland and Wales, though in a different format). 

The Uncodified Approach

Because safeguarding and EDI (VFM is another example) are interdisciplinary, cross-cutting topics they are spread out over many documents in various ways. Most Boards, however, classify them as “reserved strategies” that are subject to Board’s approval only and they specify who would be in charge of what in the delegation framework. In addition, many have Board Champions who are either NED or Executive, and some included EDI in their Remuneration and People committee, several included these topics in the board members’ skill assessments and Board appraisals. 

After the ToR is approved, the governance team will need to work with the Board to make sure they have the information and resources needed to deal with these topics. In addition, ensuring that Board members have the necessary knowledge and skills in these areas can be achieved through targeted recruitment, training (stay tuned for our upcoming round of training on these topics and more), or by enlisting the help of impartial outside experts. 

Along with providing Board and governance training and development services, we can support the Boards in your organisation with board effectiveness reviews, advice, and workable problem-solving strategies, click here to find out more. 

The Governance team can help providers in the UK demonstrate sound decision-making and monitoring by taking effective minutes during board meetings. Providers in the UK are required to demonstrate to regulators how the organisation implements and monitors cross-cutting topics like EDI and safeguarding. You can improve your ability to take notes and write minutes by taking advantage of our training in minute-taking. Additionally, through monthly emails and meetings, members of the National Association of Governance Officers (NAGO) can gain knowledge from other governance officers and find support. 

Our Advice ​

It is clear that different sizes and types of providers approach this in many ways, so to decide what is appropriate for your organisation, look at your point of reference. Our advice is to review Board meeting minutes to ensure they accurately reflect the Board’s deliberations on these matters, establish and evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs), and ensure that any progress or outcomes are appropriately communicated to the Board. By following these steps, you can effectively demonstrate to regulatory bodies that your organization is considering these critical cross-cutting subjects when making decisions.


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