Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse

A sound understanding of safeguarding & domestic abuse is crucial for housing associations and local authorities to ensure they are confident and competent at playing their part in keeping those who live and work in their homes and communities free from harm and abuse.

There are a number of key legislative requirements to adhere to and the Regulator of Social Housing Consumer Code of Practice is in place to make sure everyone living in social housing feels safe, supported, and that housing providers take safeguarding & domestic abuse seriously.

Failure to protect people in their homes and communities can result in increased risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, putting people at harm. The regulator may take action to impose sanctions or intervene. Public trust could be lost causing reputational damage.

In this session we will explore what housing providers need to know about safeguarding & domestic abuse as well as how this is ever evolving so that appropriate safeguards can be put in place for both those who live and work in your homes and communities.

What you will learn

 Legislative insights and Regulatory Compliance: 

  • An oversight into the legislative requirements with a focus on The Care Act 2014, Children’s Act 1989 & 2044, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, and the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
  • How Consumer Standards are shining a light on housing providers approach to Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse.

Risk Management:

  • Safeguarding & domestic abuse is an essential part of risk management. By identifying and addressing potential safeguarding issues, Housing Associations and Local Authorities can prevent harm to residents and avoid potential legal and financial repercussions for the association.

The Evolving Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse landscape:

  • What is changing and how to respond?

Partnership and Collaboration:

  • Engaging in safeguarding & domestic abuse practices often involves working with other agencies and organisations. This collaboration can lead to better outcomes for residents and strengthen the association’s network and resources.

Reputation and Trust:

  • Effective safeguarding & domestic abuse practices help maintain the reputation and trust of the housing association and LA. It demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of those who live in our homes and can enhance the association’s standing in the community.

Keeping your workforce safe:

  • Focus on what requirements need to be in place to keep those who work in our homes and communities safe – from who should be trained and why, importance of relevant resources, to verifying you have a safe workforce (including contractor responsibility).

Board responsibilities and best practice:

  • Understanding the important part Boards play in having oversight of safeguarding and domestic abuse best practice and how to embed this within their organisation.

Further info

Thursday 19 June 2025 | 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

This session is suitable for all Board members operating in England, Scotland and Wales

Presented by Hazel O’Halloran

Hazel has over 25 years’ experience of specialist knowledge in the Housing sector, Homelessness, Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse and Community Investment, embedding social purpose and core values in local authorities and housings associations. 

Our Webinars last 1 hour and are interactive, people can ask questions of the presenter and other attendees.

If you or your organisation have a Webinar subscription you will be sent a link to join this Webinar prior to the session. 

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