England – Introduction To Value For Money

Value for Money is one of the economic benchmarks and a fundamental component of the regulator’s In-Depth Assessment process. Before they can evaluate the information officers deliver to them, Board Members must first understand the regulator’s requirements for Value for Money reporting and metrics. Since the remainder of the organisation follows the Board Members’ lead, they will want to keep up to date and adopt best practices, especially those relating to Value for Money.

What You Will Learn

This sessions help give you an  in-depth explanations of the standards, explain the Value for Money metrics and why they are important.

We will also take into account best practises in Value for Money reporting. 

Because the Value for Money metrics required by the regulator in England are different from those in Wales and Scotland, we provide Value for Money training separately.

Presented By  Bill Gill, who has worked in the sector for over 30 years. He has extensive operational experience with Value for Money, having worked for HouseMark and previously writing the Value for Money section of Beever & Struthers‘ Annual Social Housing Review. He was a Board Champion for Value for Money at Salix Homes.

When:  13. 07. 2023  |1:00 – 2:00 PM

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