Chairs of Audit Committee Round Table (4)

GDPR is boring? Why it should beguile the board?

Has GDPR received the attention it deserves since we all rushed to implement compliance frameworks in 2018? The threat of substantial fines motivated us to meet the compliance deadline, but what has transpired since then?

As a Board Member, you bear the ultimate responsibility for GDPR compliance within your housing association. Ensuring data protection by design and default is not only a legal requirement but also a strategic imperative. Are you confident that you possess the right knowledge and tools to minimize risks to your organisation and safeguard your interests?

Join us for a comprehensive session aimed at refreshing your understanding of GDPR’s fundamental principles and bringing you up to date with the latest developments since 2018. We’ll explore specific areas of risk that are relevant to board members.

In this session, we’ll revisit the core principles of GDPR and their significance, and understand the changes and developments since the initial compliance rush in 2018. We’ll also explore risk areas that are particularly pertinent to board members and their organizations, learning about potential pitfalls and how to effectively mitigate them.

Additionally, you’ll gain insights into key areas for reporting and discover essential questions to ensure ongoing compliance for both you and your housing association.

This session is aimed at all Board Members.

About This Session

Presented by Dr Sam Linton

Sam is a data protection professional and a GDPR Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in the field. She has successfully implemented compliance frameworks in several organisations in the social housing sector. In each case ensuring that the Board and Senior Team are seen to be leading by example – in both actions and approach.

16 November 2023 | 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm | Virtual

Our Webinars last 1 hour and are interactive, people can ask questions of the presenter and other attendees.

If you or your organisation have a Webinar subscription you will be sent a link to join this Webinar prior to the session.  Not a subscriber? Find out more here or you can also pay for a one-off Webinar contact us for more details.

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