
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionising housing associations!

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are transforming how housing associations operate, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency and improved decision-making. In this session, you will develop a thorough insight into the potential these technologies present while also learning effective approaches to address risks and build trust within your organisation. Join us to explore real-world case studies and discover how leveraging these technologies can make an impact.


GDPR is boring? Why it should beguile your Board

This session addresses the challenges around GDPR to help you not only be compliant but strategically equipped to navigate its challenges. As housing association Board members, you are responsible for ensuring GDPR compliance and maintaining sensitive data, which is valuable on the dark web because it contains a variety of personal information that may be exploited for phishing, fraud, and other illicit actions.


Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Part 1 – The background

Welcome to our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion webinar series for UK-registered social housing providers. The session is intended to help Board Members understand the regulatory framework and requirements. In this session there is a focus on key legislation; the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), as well as other applicable regulations.

Fraud; What does a Board Member need to know about preventing fraud?

Fraud; What does a Board Member need to know about preventing fraud?
In this session, we’ll delve into the legislative landscape, focusing on pivotal measures like the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 shed light on the different fraud risks that registered providers face and offer strategic insights into the actions Boards can take to fortify their defences against fraudulent activities.


Cyber Security Series, Part 3: Strengthening Your Defences!

This session will help you understand the roadmap for effective incident response planning and provide actionable insights that you can use right away to improve your organisation’s cybersecurity resilience.
In recent years, the rise in cyberattacks has highlighted the critical need for UK housing associations to understand the security risks they face and to use available resources to fortify their defences.

Chairs of Audit Committee Round Table (4)

GDPR is boring? Why it should beguile the board?

In this session, we’ll revisit the core principles of GDPR and their significance, and understand the changes and developments since the initial compliance rush in 2018. We’ll also explore risk areas that are particularly pertinent to board members and their organizations, key areas for reporting and discover essential questions to ensure ongoing compliance for both you and your housing association.


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – Part Two

9 March 2023
These training sessions will give you a good grounding in what Housing Associations must do to demonstrate equality and diversity in England Scotland and Wales and what the NHF Code of governance and UK Code of Corporate Governance says about  the importance of culture, integrity, equality and diversity.

A picture of a computer screen with a cybersecurity graphic

Cyber Security

14 July
With the growing importance of Cyber Security this session will cover various cyber perspectives and you will gain insights to help you improve cyber governance, risk and overall compliance position in your organisation. 
