Procurement – What do Board Members Need to Know, Including the New Procurement Act.
This session provides Board Members with a comprehensive understanding of the procurement landscape, equipping them with the knowledge to navigate key regulations, including the Treaty of Rome, EU Procurement Regulations, the Modern Slavery Act, and GDPR. We will also address proportionality, focusing on the challenges faced by smaller housing associations and ALMOs while acknowledging the different regulatory environments in England, Scotland, and Wales.
KIM (Knowledge and Information Management) from ombudsmen report
The complexities of the housing crisis require modern and agile services. Earlier this year, the Housing Ombudsman published a report outlining the importance of effective knowledge and information management (KIM) practices. The report presented 21 recommendations across five key service areas.
Introduction to Governance & Regulation in England, including changes in consumer standards
Whether you are new to governance or looking to improve your knowledge, this session will dive into the essential principles of good governance and the latest changes in consumer standards specific to England. Explore the regulatory framework of the Regulator of Social Housing, the Code of Governance, and the Code of Conduct, all geared toward fostering strong governance practices in the English context.
Introduction to Audit and Audit Committes
Audit Committees have become a key element of Board governance within the sector, providing vital assurance to the Board. The basic assurance role of Audit Committees has expanded as activities have become more complex and the importance of technology in delivering services has increased.
Introduction to Governance & Regulation in Wales
Introduction to Governance & Regulation in Wales: Board Members, Executives, and Governance teams in the Welsh social housing sector. Improve your understanding of effective governance and ensure regulatory compliance in Wales. Explore the Welsh regulatory framework, learn about codes of governance and conduct, and discover strategies to implement best practices that foster a culture of good governance within your housing association.
Roles and Responsibilities of Effective Directors
Have you been appointed to a Board for the first time? We will unveil the fundamental roles and responsibilities that define effective directors and board members. This session aims to equip you with the essential knowledge of any new board member’s induction plan, providing a solid foundation for your journey ahead.
Health & Safety – What Board Members Need To Know
16 March 2023
The Sector Risk Profile puts H&S at the top of the agenda, where it should be. Is this reflected in your Board? Does your Board understand its responsibilities, how to get assurance from the Executives and how to lead from the top on this vital subject? If you or your Board are unsure on any of these areas then this course if for you.
Role and Responsibilities of Effective Directors
8 September 2022
Have you been appointed to a Board for the first time? This webinar will set out the Role and Responsibilities of Effective Directors. Understanding this is an important part of a new board member’s induction Plan. This bite size learning will give members an excellent grounding in their new role. It’s a good refresher for more experienced members too.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – Part Two
17 March 2022
In this second webinar we will examine the requirements of the PSED relevant to Housing Associations when carrying out functions of a public nature. Examples of actions that can be taken to fulfil PSED objectives will be given & discussed.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – Part One
10 March 2022
This first one hour webinar will look at what is meant by the nine protected characteristics. Each characteristic will be examined in detail including where those characteristics may be treated differently from each other as well as each within the context of discrimination and harassment.
The Role of The Board In Strategic Decision Making
23 September 2021
Come and find out about the Board’s strategic role in promoting the success of the organisation.
This webinar is useful for new Board members as part of their induction programme or for those Board members who want to refresh their knowledge.
Roles and Responsibilities of Effective Directors
9 September 2021
Have you been appointed to a Board for the first time? This webinar will set out the Role and Responsibilities of Effective Directors. Understanding this is an important part of a new board member’s induction Plan. This bite size learning will give members an excellent grounding in their new role. It’s a good refresher for more experienced members too.