Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Part 1 – The background
The session is intended to help Board Members understand the regulatory framework and requirements. In this session there is a focus on key legislation; the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), as well as other applicable regulations.
Fraud for Board Members
In this session, we will examine the changing fraud landscape and provide practical strategies to help you in improving your governance frameworks and mitigating risk. New government guidance on fraud prevention holds organisations accountable and has brought fraud back to the forefront of boardroom discussions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionising housing associations!
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are transforming how housing associations operate, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency and improved decision-making. In this session, you will develop a thorough insight into the potential these technologies present while also learning effective approaches to address risks and build trust within your organisation. Join us to explore real-world case studies and discover how leveraging these technologies can make an impact.
Introduction to Governance & Regulation in Scotland
During this session, you can gain insights into the governance of Scotland’s social housing sector. Whether you’re new to the field or looking to enhance your understanding of governance principles, this session will provide you with the tools to navigate housing regulation complexities. We’ll also discuss the latest updates from housing regulators, focussing on the performance of social landlords and the challenges they face.
Roles and Responsibilities of Effective Directors/ NEDs
03 October 2024
Aimed at guiding both new and experienced Board Members through the key responsibilities that define their roles. It offers essential knowledge for new board members, making it an ideal resource for induction programs. The session also serves as a refresher for experienced members. Attendees will gain a solid understanding of what it means to be an effective director or board member, particularly in the social housing sector in the UK. Key learning points include understanding the duties of directors and how they can contribute to organisational success.
An Introduction To The Sector – Social Housing Past, Present & Future
Join our webinar to gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of UK housing associations and their impact on communities. Ideal for new Board Members or those beginning their journey in social housing, this session will equip you with the knowledge to confidently navigate the sector’s complexities.
Tenant Engagement
This webinar will help you understand the Board’s role in supporting effective tenant engagement in your organisation and how the tenant voice impacts your decision-making, strategy, and the way you deliver services.
Data protection and update on the Data Protection and Digial Information (DPI) bill
In this webinar, Boards will gain both a refresher on their understanding of GDPR’s fundamental principles and new insights into the latest developments post-2018, including the recent Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, which marks the transition from EU law to a post-Brexit UK.
Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Part 2 – Practical details
Welcome to our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion webinar series for UK-registered social housing providers. In this second session we will specifically address the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), especially when performing functions of a public nature.
Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Part 1 – The background
Welcome to our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion webinar series for UK-registered social housing providers. The session is intended to help Board Members understand the regulatory framework and requirements. In this session there is a focus on key legislation; the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), as well as other applicable regulations.
Changes To Consumer Standards
The Social Housing Regulation Bill was passed last summer and incorporates many of the Charter’s principles, but is your organisation prepared? In addition the regulator is now consulting on updated consumer standards and has started talking about its findings from trial Consumer Standard IDAs.
The Monitoring Role of The Board
The board of a housing association is tasked with overseeing various aspects, including operational efficiency, strategic direction, financial performance, and overall conduct.As a board member in this session you learn how to optimally manage operational, strategic, and financial performance within housing associations and understand the pivotal role that board members play in UK social housing.
Introduction To Governance & Regulation In Wales
Are you a dedicated Board Member, Executive, or part of the Governance team in the Welsh social housing sector? Whether you’re just starting your journey or aiming to deepen your expertise on the fundamental principles of effective governance, this Webinar covers the basics of good governance including making reference to the Codes of Governance, Code of Conduct and the key principles around how Boards can lead a culture of Good Governance .This Webinar is essential for Board Members, Executive and Governance staff, particularly those new to the role or to the housing sector.
Introduction To Governance & Regulation In England
This Webinar is essential for Board Members, Executive and Governance staff, particularly those new to the role or to the housing sector, as we will delve into the Regulator of Social Housing’s regulatory framework, and the Code of Governance and Code of Conduct to help you understand how they assist you to deliver good governance from the top down.
Introduction To Governance & Regulation In Scotland
This Webinar covers the basics of good governance including making reference to the Code of Governance, Code of Conduct and the key principles around how Boards can lead a culture of Good Governance. This Webinar is essential for Board Members, Executive and Governance staff, particularly those new to the role or to the sector.
Social Housing Past Present & Future – An Introduction To The Sector
7 September 2023
This webinar will give you an understanding of social housing. Its history and why things are done the way they are. A really good opener for new Board Members or people who are new to the sector. It will of course include acronyms and will direct you to the BDA’s glossary.
Data Sorytelling
20 July 2023
This webinar is aimed at Board Members of Housing Associations registered in the UK. We will explore the benefits of data storytelling and how it differs from data visualisation to help you make better decisions and drive actions that make a real difference.
England – Introduction To Value For Money
13 July 2023
Value for Money is one of the economic benchmarks and a fundamental component of the regulator’s In-Depth Assessment process of Social Housing providers in England and since the remainder of the organisation follows the Board Members’ lead, therefor they must first understand the regulator’s requirements and will want to keep up to date and adopt best practices, especially those relating to Value for Money.
Cyber Security
6 July 2023
As a result of the rise in cyberattacks, there is a greater need than ever for cyber security, making it crucial to be aware of any security gaps in your company’s operations and the tools at your disposal. This webinar is aimed at Board Members with social housing provider organizations, In this session, we will explore a variety of cyber viewpoints and highlight the differences between perceived and actual cyber security gaps.
Tenancy Law
29 June 2023
In this webinar session, we will explore the main types of social housing tenancies in England, Scotland and Wales and identify what Board members need to know about being a good landlord and ensuring you operate within the law and remain compliant with Regulatory standards.
Scotland and Wales Introduction To Value For Money
22 June 2023
Value for Money remains an important aspect of the regulatory regime for Regulators in Scotland and Wales. The regulatory Framwork in both countries require associations to provide evidence of compliance with Standards that include the delivery of value for money. This session will look at how associations ensure they are meeting the demands for good practice and continuous improvement.
Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016
15 June 2023
The Renting Homes Act 2016 represents the most significant revision to Welsh housing law in decades. The act has changed the way all providers in Wales operate, from the way their contracts are provided, homes are maintained and how providers communicate with their tenants. In this session, we will look into what the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 (commenced on 1st of December 2022) means for tenants and landlords. Aimed at Social Housing provider Board Members and senior Governance Staff..
Supporting Tenant Engagement
18 May 2023
This session will help you understand the Board’s role in supporting effective tenant engagement in your organisation and how the tenant voice impacts your decision-making, strategy, and the way you deliver services.
Part Two – Asset Management In Social Housing
11 May 2023
Asset management In Social Housing this webinar discusses the purpose and structure of an asset management strategy and investment plan.
Health & Safety – What Board Members Need To Know
16 March 2023
The Sector Risk Profile puts H&S at the top of the agenda, where it should be. Is this reflected in your Board? Does your Board understand its responsibilities, how to get assurance from the Executives and how to lead from the top on this vital subject? If you or your Board are unsure on any of these areas then this course if for you.
Company Structures and Subsidiaries in Social Housing
9 February 2023
In this webinar, we will look at group structures and what kinds of groups there are in social housing.
Finance I – the accounting building blocks
19 January 2023
In this session we will identify and explain the key financial elements of housing association accounts and will also review some of the terminology used in finance to help aid Board members understanding.
The Importance of Board Diversity
7 December 2022 (Wednesday)
Helping encourage boards to think broadly about diversity in all its forms and we will also look at succession planning practices designed to promote diversity.
Introduction To Sustainability
24 November 2022
This webinar is aimed at Board Members and Governance professionals to give them a foundational understanding of what sustainability is and how it aligns with the core purpose of the social housing sector.
Asset Management In Social Housing – Part 1
10 November 2022
Part 1 – a beginner’s introduction to asset management, looking at what is meant by asset management in social housing, why it is important and what a Board needs to ask.
Social Housing Past Present & Future – An Introduction To The Sector
22 September 2022
This webinar will give you an understanding of social housing. Its history and why things are done the way they are. A really good opener for new Board Members or people who are new to the sector. It will of course include acronyms and will direct you to the BDA’s glossary.
The Role of The Board In Strategic Decision Making
14 September 2022
Come and find out about the Board’s strategic role in promoting the success of the organisation.
This webinar is useful for new Board members as part of their induction programme or for those Board members who want to refresh their knowledge.
Role and Responsibilities of Effective Directors
8 September 2022
Have you been appointed to a Board for the first time? This webinar will set out the Role and Responsibilities of Effective Directors. Understanding this is an important part of a new board member’s induction Plan. This bite size learning will give members an excellent grounding in their new role. It’s a good refresher for more experienced members too.
Budgeting & Management Information
27 January 2022
This session will look at the key aspects of financial budgets and the role of the board in monitoring the financial information that us presented to them regularly.
The Monitoring Role of The Board
13 January 2022
Performance monitoring is a means to an end, never an end in itself. It helps keep performance on the right track. Learn what is the role of the board and what is the responsibility of managers and the Executive?
Introduction To Risk & Assurance
25 November 2021
A webinar for new board members providing an understanding and management of risk. This session will give Board members and officers a good grounding in how risks are assessed and risk mitigations developed, as well as how Board members gain assurance that risks are being managed and controls are being operated so that you know that your organisation is complying with all its Regulatory requirements.
Introduction To Audit & Audit Committees
18 November 2021
This webinar is aimed at new Board Members as part of their introduction programme, plus anyone looking to learn more about audit, including staff.
The session will consider the general role of ‘audit’ and consider the two main functions that Boards come across – internal and external audit. It also reviews the main role and responsibilities for the Audit Committee, how it fits within the governance framework and what its key outputs are.
Introduction To Sustainability
11 November 2021
This webinar is aimed at Board Members and Governance professionals to give them a foundational understanding of what sustainability is and how it aligns with the core purpose of the social housing sector.
Introduction To Development In Social Housing
4th November 2021
As a Board member what do you need to know about Development within social housing? What term and concepts should you understand and what are the risks you need to consider? This webinar will help you with the answers to these questions and many more. Suitable for all Board members who want to learn about Development, or need a refresher.
The Role of The Board In Strategic Decision Making
23 September 2021
Come and find out about the Board’s strategic role in promoting the success of the organisation.
This webinar is useful for new Board members as part of their induction programme or for those Board members who want to refresh their knowledge.
Social Housing Past Present & Future – An Introduction To The Sector
16 September 2021
This webinar will give you an understanding of social housing. Its history and why things are done the way they are. A really good opener for new Board Members or people who are new to the sector. It will of course include acronyms and will direct you to the BDA’s glossary.
Roles and Responsibilities of Effective Directors
9 September 2021
Have you been appointed to a Board for the first time? This webinar will set out the Role and Responsibilities of Effective Directors. Understanding this is an important part of a new board member’s induction Plan. This bite size learning will give members an excellent grounding in their new role. It’s a good refresher for more experienced members too.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Part 2 – The Board’s Role
25 March 2021 – Building on last weeks Webinar, part 2 builds upon the Board members understanding of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Carol and Mark will cover the role of Board members in ensuring the organisation is compliant with the current law and regulatory standards.
Asset Management In Housing – Part 2
11 March 2021
The second, more in-depth webinar about Asset Management in Social Housing. We will look at investment, compliance, risk, understanding longer term decision making, the balance of investment and development/regeneration.
Asset Management In Housing – Part 1
1 March 2021
This webinar is an introduction to asset management. It covers the main elements of asset management, the risks Boards should be aware of and the questions Boards should be asking to get assurance. There will be a brief overview of the operational aspects and a bit of myth busting, so its good for those Board members new to housing or just new to asset management.
Social Housing White Paper
3 February 2021
In this webinar we will be exploring the new Social Housing White Paper and how the government aims to put tenants at the heart of social housing. What does this mean for your organisation? How can we strengthen relationships between ‘you’ the housing association and your residents?
Introduction to ESG Reporting
28 January 2021
ESG (environmental, social and governance) reporting has been very much in the news of late but what is it all about? This session will explain the basics of ESG reporting, why it is becoming increasingly important in the capital markets and what it means for registered providers when seeking capital. The session will also provide a brief overview of the various standards around ESG reporting that are starting to appear within the sector.
The NHF Code of Governance 2020
22 January 2021 – The new NHF Code of Governance has been long awaited and seeks to reflect the key challenges facing today’s complex social housing organisations and the part Boards play in leading their organisations. This webinar will look at the 4 themes within the code and what they mean for you as Board members. We will also look at the implications for your organisation’s governance practice and how you can demonstrate compliance.
Procurement in Social Housing
17 January 2021
Effective and robust procurement processes, and their subsequent application, are key to the success of your organisation. This webinar will explore the role of Board and Committee Members in setting standards and providing scrutiny of procurement activities. Covering key topics including: – Governance Frameworks. Purchase or Procure what’s the difference? The Procurement cycle. Responsibilities within the procurement cycle. Reporting, oversight & governance, Identification of common problems.
What Is Treasury Management?
4 March 2020
Treasury management is often an area that many board members see as a total mystery and full of jargon. This session is intended to dispel many of those myths and present treasury management in a simple format. It is ideal for all board members and officers new to treasury in housing associations.